Thursday, September 25, 2014


There’s a certain clarity that comes with simply quieting oneself. Away from the noise and the distraction and into the quiet – that is where we realize what really, truly, fulfills us. Instead of force-feeding ourselves entertainment and occupation, maybe we can learn that we have a choice – we have freedom.

So much of what we experience is false. To photograph - the perfect, the interesting, the beautiful? We are sculpting our reality to what it "should" be. Or, to notice -  the ordinary, the towel hanging off the hook, the way the clump of weeds look. It is real, but it is extraordinary. 

Walk. Take it all in. Sometimes, bring your camera, and sometimes just bring your eyes. Linger.

Don’t idly inhale whatever is pushed in your direction. Choose what to breathe in. Have purpose to what you see. Notice. Don’t wait until something is directly in front of you.

We find beauty and we find fulfillment when we seek it out – not when we expect it to cross our path when it is ready to.